Monday, September 7, 2009

Launching Noah's Ark Guild in Pueblo County

Let's Honor God and Put Pueblo County, Colorado on the Map

Does your heart cry out for God? Do you long for a future where righteousness and justice rules and peace prevails? Would you like to know that your children and grandchildren will live in a secure and wholesome environment? If your answer to these questions is a strong “yes” than you long for what a nation-wide revival of faith in God would bring. Psalm 89:14 says that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne and Luke 2 shows the angels proclaiming peace on earth to the shepherds of Bethlehem.

Real faith begins with an expression of hope. It prays with confidence as in the Lord's prayer, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Real Christianity thrives on an attitude of triumph. It walks on water and cannot be intimidated by waves of doubt. God-given faith mobilizes our bodies and energizes our spirits. It lives on a high moral plane and urns to bring others to the holiness of God. It dares to believe that corrupt, immoral society can be transformed by the power of God. Real faith takes action! It takes responsibility to change the world.

Vibrant Christianity will change society as eighteenth century Christianity did. That Christianity drastically changed the moral landscape of England and wove true faith into the very fabric of our nation. We call for a revival of this kind of faith to restore hope and drive back the rising tide of atheism in our nation.

We propose that you help us call people back to faith in God by helping us graphically demonstrate that the word of God is true. Atheists and skeptics mock the idea that Noah could have gotten all the animals in an ark, much less float the whole cargo on a flooded, turbulent ocean. But careful observation of the facts shows that the account of Noah and the ark in the Bible is credible.

Today we launch Noah's Ark Guild for the purpose of building an ark as long and as wide as the biblical ark with hundreds of sculptured animals. With this ark we will demonstrate that there was room for all the animals on this ark and that it was as well designed as modern ships for plying the open seas. This certainly will be a humongous task, but we can do it by pooling our efforts. We call for individuals, churches, businesses and other organizations to join with us in this endeavor.

This will be a family oriented attraction with many cute small sculptured animals for the children to sit on and interact with. Not only will this project call people back to faith in God. It will stimulate the economy of the area and bring God's favor upon us. It will certainly put Pueblo West on the map in the minds of people world-wide.

Please send your email to to find out how you can participate in this project. This endeavor could have a side benefit of advertising your church or business.

Noah's Ark Guild was founded by Larry Grabill, pastor, builder, and sculptor. We are looking for people in the area to serve as board members.

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