Monday, August 10, 2009

I ask you to join cause Build Noah's Ark to develop a movement to build a replica of Noah's ark. Yes, I am serious! I fully believe God will help us build an ark 83' x 500.' The ark will contain enough life-size sculptures of animals to demonstrate that all the animals could have fit on one deck of the ark.

We will build the ark as though it were setting in water with the two lower decks below the surface. We will actually build only the top deck of Noah's ark on ground level. On this deck we will demonstrate that that two of all the animal families (fourteen of the clean animals) could have fit on one deck by building sculptures of these animals.

The first five hundred to join will be named Foundation Members and have special recognition in the Guild. We now have 273 in the Guild.

Johan Huibers built an ark half the length (1/4 the square footage) of Noah's ark in the Netherlands and it gained worldwide attention. People were simply amazed that his ark was so big. When we built an ark that is full-scale width and length of Noah's ark, it will create pandemonium in the news media. And this will call attention to the truth of the biblical record and inspire a revival of faith in God. People will come from all over to see this ark.
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